Private Christian High School

Private Christian High School (9th - 12th grade)

As a highly rated Private Christian High School in the area, we are committed to maintaining academic excellence through rigorous curriculum and quality instruction, as well as supporting students to reach their full potential. High school at RCA provides a unique variety of course offerings that give students the opportunity to explore different interests and career pathways, as well as prepare for college through honors and dual-enrollment classes. You can learn more about our High School curriculum and see a 4-Year graduation outline in our Admissions Magazine on pages 19-27.

The RCA high school experience is defined by a family atmosphere where students are known, loved, and prepared. Students have the opportunity to explore and find their niche with extra-curricular clubs, athletics, and fine arts. Through weekly chapel services, students worship and learn together in an environment that fosters their biblical literacy and shares the good news of the Gospel. Advisory groups, led by a faculty mentor, engage students in a small group setting to encourage personal growth in the habits and attitudes that will help them be successful. Additionally, every student is part of a “House,” which they remain in from enrollment to graduation; Houses encourage comradery and friendly competition as they participate in various games and service activities throughout the year.   

A private Christian high school education at RCA is focused on launching students into the world prepared with a solid academic and spiritual foundation. We aim for this foundation to give students the tools they need to pursue whatever post-secondary path they choose, as well as engage with and serve their larger community in meaningful ways. We pray that our graduates will continue to exemplify the core values they learned in their years at RCA long after they leave our campus: Keep God First, Treat All with Dignity & Respect, and Work Hard.

Did You Know?

We offer preschooljunior kindergartenelementarymiddle school and high school options.

Click here to view our Program of Studies.